When an active domain expires, it may still be renewed by the current owner for about two months after the expiration and although it will not be active, it can't be taken by anyone else. When the domain is not renewed by that point, however, it enters a 5-day deletion period and after that it's available to the public. Throughout the deletion period anyone will be able to send a backorder for the domain through an ICANN-approved domain registrar and the service provider will use its registry channel in order to try to register the domain name on behalf of the user the instant it's available. As a lot of registrars can try to obtain a certain domain and names are acquired on first-come, first-serve basis, there's no guarantee that employing such a computerized service will give you possession over it, still this is the easiest way to get an appealing domain name as trying to register it personally almost certainly means that you will be way too late.
Domain Backorder in Hosting
As we partner with an ICANN-accredited service provider, we offer domain name backorders with all hosting packages, so you will not need to subscribe for a different account. An individual section in your Hepsia internet hosting Control Panel will enable you to browse all of the domains that will be deleted in the next days and we have added several filters which will allow you to narrow the search. You could type in any word or phrase, set the minimum and maximum number of characters, select a specific deletion date or choose the extensions which should be viewable. Using the filters will save you time and efforts and when you discover a domain that you want to have, you'll be able to place an order for it with just a click. If we're unable to register the selected name, you will not lose the money you have paid and you will be able to order other domain names with it - new registrations or backorders.