The monthly site traffic characteristic is sometimes referred to as data transfer or bandwidth as well, however all of these terms apply to the same thing - how much content can be transferred to and from a hosting account. The site traffic can be produced in two ways, the more noticeable one being site visits. If someone visits your website, their web browser requests and downloads the pages from the website hosting server and then shows them on their end. The more site visitors you have, the more outbound traffic is generated from your hosting account. Due to the fact that this feature contains the total traffic, not just the website visits, you should not forget that incoming traffic is counted as well. Which means site content and various other files that you upload to your account with a file manager or an FTP software are counted towards the account quota. The transfer is generally monitored every month and the counter resets on the first day of each and every month irrespective of your actual date of signup.
Monthly Traffic in Hosting
Our hosting were designed with the concept to handle the site traffic made by any kind of site that can function in such an account. In case you currently have one or a number of small or medium-sized websites, you will not be limited by the monthly traffic allowance no matter what content you have - plain text and / or lots of images, for example. The statistics in your hosting Control Panel provides you with elaborate details about the traffic generated by each and every site along with the total amount for the account as a whole. The amounts are updated in real time and indicate both the daily and the monthly usage, which means that you'll know how much data is transferred to and from your web hosting account at any time. Day one of every month the counter is reset, but you will be able to see the traffic stats for the previous months, which will inform you on how your sites perform.