What precisely is Memcached? What is the reason for its growing level of popularity among users who maintain databases?
Memcached is a caching platform, which is used to supercharge the loading speed of database-powered sites by caching the requests and the responses between the visitor and the server. In simple terms, anytime a particular web page on such a site is opened, the script connects to its database to request the info that should be shown to the website visitor. If the latter clicks a link to open some other page, the whole operation is performed again and this generates plenty of database calls and high server load, particularly if the website has lots of simultaneous visitors. Memcached "memorizes" this information exchange, so in case any of these web pages is requested again, the script no longer needs to cull any content from the database, as everything is delivered by the caching platform. Thus, the overall speed of your website will increase and you will enjoy more pleased visitors and they’ll be able to surf through your website faster. At the same time, Memcached "refreshes" its cache every time any content in the database is altered, so the site users will never wind up seeing out-of-date content.
Memcached in Hosting
The Memcached distributed memory caching system is offered as an optional upgrade with each and every
hosting that we offer and you’ll be able to begin using it once you order it, as the extension that it needs so as to function correctly is already present on our advanced cloud website hosting platform. You can request the upgrade via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with each and every shared hosting package and a brand-new Control Panel section where you can administer Memcached will appear. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts – the number of instances and the amount of system memory, so as to offer you more freedom. The first one shows the number of the websites that can use Memcached, while the second one, which is offered in increments of 16 MB, defines the maximum size of the content that can be cached by the system. A frequently visited site with a large-size database may require more memory so as to take an even bigger advantage of Memcached, so in case you want to upgrade this feature, you will be able to do it at any point with a couple of clicks.