FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol – a quite popular method of transferring website files between a computer system and a server. With an FTP software program like FileZilla or CuteFTP, you can set up a connection to the server and see its content in one pane, while the files on your PC will be shown in another pane within the main program window. All you’ll have to do to send files or whole directories in either direction is to mark them and then to drag them from one pane to the other. File Transfer Protocol is preferred by numerous users because you can create different FTP accounts and each one can be restricted to connect to just one single folder on the server, so a web designer, for example, can fulfill their task without being able to see any other content in the website hosting account. Furthermore, the availability of different FTP accounts will also allow you to create multiple sites with web design tools like Dreamweaver or FrontPage and to upload them to their corresponding directories on the server.